Martin Grade is in western Martin County, Florida, which is on the east coast of Florida between Lake Okeechobee and the Atlantic
Ocean. It is centrally located, approximately two hours from Orlando, Tampa, and Miami, and only one hour
from West Palm Beach.
Off the beaten path, the Martin Grade is more a journey than
a destination. It is the shortest distance between the madding crowds of today's 21st century Florida urban lifestyles
and the serene rural existence of an earlier era.
Once you have left the roads most
traveled, the Martin Grade is also centrally located between the unique and historical small towns of Stuart, Indiantown,
and Okeechobee. The Martin Grade begins just ten miles west of Palm City, and a spectacular tree canopy shades
much of its twelve-mile journey to the west.
The Martin Grade Scenic Corridor is Martin Highway (County Road 714), between Allapattah Road (State Road
609) and Warfield Boulevard (State Road 710). Centrally located between the unique and distinct communities of Stuart,
Indiantown, and Okeechobee, the Martin Grade begins just ten miles west of Palm City, Florida.