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1000 Friends of Florida on Greenways*

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What is a Greenway?

Greenways are corridors of protected open space that are managed for conservation and recreation.

They can be as wide as a watershed or as narrow as a footpath. Some are publicly owned; others are established on private land by easements or other methods that protect valuable natural areas or allow public access along trails. Some are managed only to conserve native ecosystems and some are purely recreational; others serve both purposes.

Greenways link forests, parks, cultural and historic sites with each other and, in some cases, with populated areas. Greenways not only protect environmentally sensitive lands and wildlife; they also give people the chance to enjoy the outdoors close to home.

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Benefits of Greenways

The great appeal of greenways lies in the concept of connections. Greenways multiply the benefits of existing conservation areas, parks and open spaces by linking them together.

· Greenways can help conserve native ecosystems and landscapes by setting aside the space needed to sustain biodiversity in native plant and animal communities, and by conserving the connections that allow interchange between them. Greenways located along waterways help provide natural buffers between water and development.

· Greenways also can be used to conserve historical and cultural resources such as archaeological and historical sites. They provide places for visitors and residents to exercise and experience the many natural and cultural wonders of the Loxahatchee Region, and sometimes act as outdoor classrooms where both children and adults can learn about native plant and animal species, ecosystems, and ecological processes.

· Greenways can be used to protect working landscapes such as farms, groves, and private forest lands. Along scenic roadways, they provide travelers with a glimpse into the region's historic past. They pro-vide important growth management benefits by directing development away from natural resources and maintaining clear boundaries between urban and rural land uses.

· Greenways and trails often serve as walking and bicycling routes to work, school, local businesses and restaurants, parks and recreation sites.

*Excerpted from:
Loxahatchee Greenways Project
Building a
Life-Sustaining Vision
for the Future.

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